While we’re working on shows for the next season of Soundography, here’s a segment we recorded for the New Year’s Eve Streamathon with Scott Johnson, talking about our “desert island” albums!
While we’re working on shows for the next season of Soundography, here’s a segment we recorded for the New Year’s Eve Streamathon with Scott Johnson, talking about our “desert island” albums!
Sounds like the odds for a Supertramp episode in season 2 just went way up.
FWIW, first place I ever heard of Desert Island Discs was in the “Pulse” magazine they used to give out for free at Tower Records in the 80s and 90s. Maybe they got the idea from the BBC? Dunno.
Brian and Hammond,
So when is part 2 coming out? You guys literally chopped this excellent list in half, and now we’re all hanging on, waiting for part 2. How very George R.R. Martin of you. Just like GRRM, we’ll keep waiting, however long it takes.