The versatile Eddie Vedder and Pearl Jam on this episode of Soundography! How are they tied to legendary comic book artist Todd McFarlane? Find out on this episode!
The versatile Eddie Vedder and Pearl Jam on this episode of Soundography! How are they tied to legendary comic book artist Todd McFarlane? Find out on this episode!
Excellent picks! I enjoyed everything however I think picking Jeremy as their “Stairway to Heaven” was a good opportunity to bring up how they don’t like to play it anymore live! I always wondered about that. Thanks for the hard work 🙂
great episode. although i’m a bit saddened that ‘no code’ did not receive much love. ;/
vitalogy is one of the albums i keep forgetting exists, for me their trinity is vs, no code, ten. then again i have listened to vs and especially no code probably hundreds and hundreds of times during my youth. i guess that helped make them stick.
i love the sound of no code… drumsound in particular and to me that album has no filler at all 🙂